Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Hey, check out all the new information you snuck in. I don't know if I'll get used to that. LOL Reading it now.
  2. IJeromeI's Avatar
    +1 on the write up
  3. hardaur's Avatar
    +1 on the write up!
  4. melev's Avatar
    This may not be possible, but perhaps public aquariums or the Georgia Aquarium might be interested. They probably will have some concerns about how pure it is, to avoid introducing issues into their systems though.

    If you want to sell it on ARC, why not ask to be a sponsor for a year? Grow it out, sell it like a vendor, and see how that goes. If it gets out of hand or it doesn't work at all, at least you'll know. You'll only be out the cost of sponsorship - you might even be able to trade product for sponsorship to put it in the raffle for a few meetings.

    In the meantime, do a write up here with lots of pictures. I'm sure others would love to learn from your experience.