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Marineland Reef LED lighting???

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Does any one have these and are they any good for Fish AND Corals. I know in asking "corals" that there are soft and hard corals, as a newbie, I havent figured out whats what in that category...If the marineland Reef Lighting will work on 1 type, I'd be pretty set with that option...

Does anyones LFS use these in a DT in the store???

Opinions? Thoughts???


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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    i thought i saw another post on here not long ago that said that they have trouble with those and that the lfs had several return with same issue. but cant remember who posted it
  2. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Thanks DJ,
  3. Mustang's Avatar
    Hey Aaron it was me that had posted about the problems with the lights but the problem was the double bright ones but the ones you are thinking of are all most the same but with more led's and a better heat sink. So i can not say for sure you will have problems with them just a heads up that the model below them has had some issues. As for if they would be good for coral i think you will be able to get away with soft coral but from what i understand they would not be enough for hard coral. Do not get me wrong on these lights look great and i want LED's but i think if you can muster up a bit more cash for a better fixture you would better off. Although if you do get one keep us updated as i would love to hear good things about them.
  4. melev's Avatar
    And pictures too! Did any of your enter the contest posted on the front page of the site? You can win LED lighting from Marineland.
  5. Mustang's Avatar
    Wish i could Marc but the contest is not open to us frozen chosen in Canada.
  6. 1AaronTravels's Avatar

    I have, while there are no critters or fish in my tank, I did a little write up and sent it along, it was accepted the other night. :-)

  7. Mustang's Avatar
    Hey Aaron
    Not sure if you are still interested in the Marineland lights but if you are Marine Depot has the 18-24 on sale today( Feb 6) 199.99.