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Wednesday pictures

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The day started off nicely after last night's storms. I was enjoying my reef under VHO actinic lighting, and felt the urge to get out my camera.

Within hours, the metal halides started cycling on for the day.

I've been talking about possible dino infestation. Here's the Gorgonian I recently got from Florida. It's purple core isn't as vivid, and you can see some of the brown stuff that is on it. If you shake it off, that stuff comes off quickly in the water but I don't want it in anywhere. It's very likely toxic and most of the fish ignore or avoid it. Ugh.

Here's my other gorgonian that was in QT for a few days to help it heal up. It's cleaner, the polyps are out, but there's still a trace of that stuff on some spots. A vast improvement from what it was though.

This birdnest is doing well, but a little bit seems to be dealing with this same stuff.

Let's focus on the prettier stuff, since it's everywhere. Here's a new green chalice.

I relocated this hairy A. millepora.

The Blue Ridge coral is from the 280g.

The popular A. caroliniana

This Acro was really interesting to me, so it was brought home from Florida.

The cleaner shrimp was hiding in the shadows.

Nearby, the clownfish have a new clutch of eggs that are close to hatching.

The Mimic Filefish checking out something on this Favia

More pretty SPS

Here are two differing types of Porites


My new Red Planet acro, secured in place with some D&D putty.

I'm guessing this hairy acro in the front is in the A. tenius family.

Currently unknown Acro.

Superman montipora

Tongue coral from Australia

Probably a tricolor acropora

So as you can see, overall everything is doing very well. All the Vortech pumps are covered in coralline as are the penductors. I'm keeping the glass and the black acrylic wall clean. It's time to test all the water parameters again.

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Updated 04-28-2011 at 01:51 AM by melev



  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Looking great Marc, I guess even old veterans have to deal with new tank syndrome stuff. I am sure it will pass as the sand bed and all the other stuff matures and starts competing for the nutrients in the tank.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice pics Marc! Nice to finally see the blue ridge that was in ya 280g. You told me where it was but I couldn't find it in pictures. My blue ridge is encrustig the rock it's on nicely.
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    Very nice Mark. I love several of your pieces. :-)
  4. melev's Avatar
    Yesterday, I started making a list of all the livestock in my tank and was surprised at how many items are in there. And yet I keep wanting more.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    I keep shifting things around in my tank because it's ful of corals. But I always can find the room for a new coral. Lol I need to upgrade I believe!
  6. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    Everything looks great Marc, congrats! I unfortunately have the same sort of Dino looking stringy algae in my tank and I run biopellets as well. Take a look at this which is what happens if you don't stop it. It's a form of cyanobacteria called Lyngbya and it's strange in that it thrives in low nutrient and high flow environments. I'm currently just ripping clumps of it out by hand but soon I'm going to take my rock out for a good scrubbing with a rough brush to try and destroy the roots. I also bought some Chemi-Clean Red Slime Remover but have been too afraid to use it so far due to the possibly toxicity of the dead Lyngbya. Hopefully you can stop it in it's tracks. But on a happier note, it looks like all the coral and fish are thriving. I love the first picture of your Naso and Purple Tang swimming next to each other. Keep it up!
  7. melev's Avatar
    Let me ask you this - are you seeing snails dying off if they contact that stuff? I don't see much of a clean up crew in your picture, but I agree that you need to remove all that you can of that stuff from the tank manually. I'm dosing hydrogen peroxide daily right now to nuke the little bit I'm seeing. The pellets are doing their job, according to my last test kit readings, but it's time to do them again to make sure. And the pellets are being used up gradually, day by day.

    I'm also seeing some cyano in the refugium zone.
  8. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I was going to order a biopellet set-up but ill be watching the trials and tribulations as they unfold first hope you two can get the stuff under control
  9. melev's Avatar
    There are a lot of people using them, and results vary from tank to tank. I have no reason to fear mine, but I'm watching it closely. So far, I'm loving it. I really didn't want to dose vodka on this tank.
  10. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    This isnt my personal setup, but mine has the same sort of stringy algae...the Lyngbya. I have a pretty good size CUC for a 55. It consists of a LM blenny, about 30 blue and red leg hermits, 6 astreas, 5 mexican turbos, about 40 nassarius snails and an enormous (1.5' tip to tip) brittle starfish. Funny that you ask about the snails dying...right after I did a huge cleanup of the stuff, I noticed that 2 of my Mexican Turbos were dead the next morning. I love my biopellets as well, and the Lyngbya has only been present for about 2-3 months now when the tank has been up (and the pellets running) for a year. Hopefully you can find the magic bullet to getting rid of whatever yours may turn out to be, I'll be waiting and watching.
  11. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I started dosing vodka day 2 and im at 0's 2weeks in Lets here it for old school, But still watching since removing one more thing from the daily routine is a beautiful thing
  12. svnloafsofbread's Avatar
    I have a lot of brown stringy algae growing lower in my tank (sandbed and on the lower part of the live rock). If i dont have the ability to dose hydrogen peroxide like you are, how would you go about getting rid of it? I'm doing a 10 percent water change today and am going to get as much of it out as i can.
  13. melev's Avatar
    Can you post a picture of the stuff?
  14. melev's Avatar
    Update: All the gorgonians look clean, devoid of that brown slimy stuff.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    That's awesome Marc! That dosing worked it seems.