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To catch you up on some newsy stuff while the site was down...

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Let me start off with a random happening first of all. When I was cleaning the filter socks a few weeks ago, I dumped the bleach-water solution out on the deck. Well, it appears that a squirrel was under the deck since his entire body is now white while his tail is bushy brown still. Crazy, but true.

At MACNA, I got my very first plastic jug. All these years I've used the water cooler bottles, so this was a nice freebie from the kind people at Blue Life USA. Everyone got a coupon in their goody bag, and I had to claim mine. A club member threw it in his car and drove it all the way back to Texas for me.

Last weekend I redipped a coral that appeared to have AEFW-bite marks. I've dipped it before, but nothing came off of it. This time I dipped it in Fauna Marin's Ultra Pest Control and a big AEFW came off instantly. After a 15 minute bath, no others appeared so I believe the coral is safe once more. It just needs to heal.

Here are two of the three SPS that died while I was at MACNA Des Moines. As you can see, they had grown into colony size pieces. The One Shot product is in the picture for a sense of scale.

Two other corals that have been growing down on the sandbed were moved to fill the void.

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  1. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Poor squirrel! Sheesh. bummer about the corals. what happened?
  2. timmybenz's Avatar
    what kind of squirrel was that? Texas albino.
  3. agsansoo's Avatar
    Don't you just hate it when a coral takes a sudden turn for the worst. Was it RTN or STN'ing before you left for MACNA ?
  4. melev's Avatar
    It was STN during my trip. It happened really fast.
  5. saxerphoner's Avatar
    That is the scariest looking squirell I've ever seen. Looks more like a opossum now. I want to see the reactions of everyone that sees the squirell but doesn't know what happened!
  6. Bobbywade's Avatar
    I saw that ugly guy running across your street while visting you the other day!!
  7. agsansoo's Avatar
    Will you be attending RAP this year ? If so, are you going to be acquiring any corals for your tank ?
  8. melev's Avatar
    I will be at RAP. Both as Reef Addicts as well as DFW Macna. I'm speaking, and introducing the other speakers both days. Should be a lot of fun. I don't know if I'll bring home a coral - I'd have to really be blown away.