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Video update

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I've been very busy with everything lately, not unlike many of you. The 400g is completely empty, and Marineland and I are still trying to come up with the best plan to get the reef up and running again. I took a few pictures of the livestock but haven't had the time to edit and share them here on RA.

However, I shot a brief video when I was dosing Phosphate Rx to bring the level down where it belongs, and wanted to share:

The 215g is plumbed into the sump for the time being. I'll provide a decent update showing how it is plumbed together as well as how the fish and corals are doing in a few days.

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  1. Jnarowe's Avatar
    At least the fish look good. Poor things. So stressful, so you feed them well, and that messes up the tank params. Ugh. I feel your pain.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Everything looks healthy Marc. Looks like a much better set up than last time.