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Equipment Recommendations

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So i am on my way downtown Connecticut today to pick up a 400g tank and my previous biggest tank was 125 so i need some recommendations on Skimmers, pumps, calcium reactors, Bio pellet reactors etc for a tank this size...... its 72x36x36 fyi.

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  1. blakew's Avatar
    Sounds like a cool tank size...with one that large I would definitely look at reinforcing your floor (whether you decide to put it upstairs or in the basement)...

    Before I get lamblasted for suggesting you reinforce a concrete basement floor, remember just the water in a 400 gallon tank is going to weigh as much as your typical car (around 3300 lbs) and there aren't many cars that are only 3' wide by 7' long, so the load is more concentrated.

  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Is that one of the marine land deep dimension tanks?
    Sorry, I don't have any experience with tanks that size.
  3. NEReef's Avatar
    So here are some pictures of the tank. i have some questions. the top brace lid has four cracks in it all emanating from the corner of the cutouts. it looks like people tried to carry the tank by the top. So i assume i can just weld some strips across the cracks to re inforce the braces. thoughts? also there are 5-400W hamilton metal halide ballast. I am assuming they are mogul base?


  4. NEReef's Avatar

    300lbs of rock that came with tank
  5. NEReef's Avatar
    Man the site has been dead the last couple days!!!! C'mon people lets get posting!! So since things have been dead over here I went over to that other site that starts with reef haven't been there in like a year and a half..... I got some opinions about Skimmers I'm looking at the sro 5000sss the sro6000sss and the hurricone cat-2 Skimmer with the upgraded bubble blaster 5000 pump. All the skimmers have the same pump the cat-2 is the shortest by 2" the 6000 is the biggest but I'm not really concerned with size height is the only limiting factor as I only have 29" under the stand. Any thoughts opinions????? Thanks. Also the cat-2 is same price as the 5000 ans the 6000 is like $40 more...
    Updated 05-10-2012 at 12:03 PM by NEReef (auto correct on phone)
  6. Blake's Avatar
    bubble magus NAC9 for the skimmer. Vertex media reactor(the bigger one). i'd get a custom 100 gallon sump for that. BRS dosing pumps (1.1ml a minute). Apex aquacontroller with 2 power bars at least. And get new ballasts. using 250 watt phoenix bulbs or 400w bulbs if you can find a 400 with 20,000k spectrum.
  7. cyano's Avatar
    I use a Reef Octopis reactor big enough for your tank lol, but other than that I have no experience with anything larger than a 75 gallon.