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Before Part Deux

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  1. VulcanRider's Avatar
    Nice leather, whats the green grass looking stuff, or did I just answer my own question.
  2. melev's Avatar
    That is a calcium-using macro algae nicknamed "Money Plant". It's called Halimeda.
  3. doomicon's Avatar
    Marc, thanks I actually had no idea what it was. Bought it as "GSP" about 6 years ago.. then quickly found out it's not GSP. If you look closely you'll see the leather is actually attached to a hammer. Just separated them on Sunday doing maintenance.
  4. doomicon's Avatar
    Just did a search on Halimeda, it's the stuff on the rock next to the pagoda. LOL! I got that in my tank when I bought that Pink Frag above the Tang on the left. I've pulled most of out during the maintenance on Sunday.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Correct. If you are wondering what that thing in the front is, its in the Leather family but I can't be more specific than that with this image.