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adding coral rubble from beach to tank

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A friend of mine just brought me a crap load of coral rubble home from Aruba. I was just wondering how do I treat it so I can add it to my tank, or if I can at all. I have been looking up adding coral rubble on the internet and it seems everyone has a different opinion on the matter. What do you think I should do? I was just going to boil a couple of pieces and incorporate the pieces very slowly on a weekly basis.

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Updated 06-06-2010 at 01:13 AM by melev

Tank Entry


  1. melev's Avatar
    You can boil it and leave it out in the sun to bleach it completely. It will become an algae magnet in your tank though, but if you are like my dad, you'll simply take it out and boil and bake it every few months to keep that bone white look in your tank. That was all the rage in the 70s.

    Got any pictures of it yet?
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    does it actually have live stuff on it?
  3. robicts's Avatar
    Well I boiled the coral and put it in my tank more as base rock. With the little peices I also made a rubble pile for my amphipods and other little critters to hide. No they were not alive they were apperently found on a desert in aruba, so probably havent been i the water for a while lol. I'll try to post a pick up tomorrow but i have to borrow a camera from a friend.