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Help me pick my next MH bulbs

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Right now I'm running two 400watt MH (PFO ballast) XM 15K bulbs (SE), and it's time to change them out. I'm considering trying a different brand and just wanted to get some feedback from here. I will also be supplementing with a Super Actinic and a 454 VHO from UVL.


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Updated 08-09-2010 at 11:39 PM by melev



  1. Midnight's Avatar
    I like the phoenix bulbs
  2. melev's Avatar
    Did you like the 15,000K bulb coloration, or did you want more or less blue? What reflectors are you using?
  3. MarcG's Avatar
    I did like the bulbs at first but I want more growth and "pop" to my corals. I'm using PFO fixtures (spider type reflectors). I know I need to upgrade those but that will have to wait. $$$ is a little tighter since the wedding and honeymoon.