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Tank Entry

  1. SPS coral problems

    I have a 93 gallon marineland cube tank that has been running for about 14 months. it is lit by 2 of the new aquaillumination LED lights. I have a small bioload of 6 fish. Starting back in January of 2010 i began slowly adding SPS corals.

    My nitrate, phosphate, amonia are all undetectable on salifert tests. my mg is 1300, alk is a little high at 10, and calcium is 430. I have a Staghorn Acropora and the DFS blue tenius.

    At first, my lights were definately too hi ...

    Updated 06-07-2010 at 10:32 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
  2. Low Tide

    Every Saturday I do my weekly maintenance on my tank. I thought I would share some photos. Tank is a 65 gallon. I change out 10 gallons per week, never missing a water change in 3 1/2 years.
    Current salt of choice is Tropic Marin Bio-Actif.

    Shots of my tank today while doing my weekly water change. From the top down.

    From right to left. Low tide.

    Tank Entry
  3. adding coral rubble from beach to tank

    A friend of mine just brought me a crap load of coral rubble home from Aruba. I was just wondering how do I treat it so I can add it to my tank, or if I can at all. I have been looking up adding coral rubble on the internet and it seems everyone has a different opinion on the matter. What do you think I should do? I was just going to boil a couple of pieces and incorporate the pieces very slowly on a weekly basis.

    Updated 06-06-2010 at 01:13 AM by melev

    Tank Entry
  4. refugium plants

    i'm movin on up to a 180 gallon tank with a 60 gallon adhi refugium, and i'm woundering what would be good plants to put in the refug with a sand/mud mix on the bed. any advise would be great, thanks. oh yea i live in california so it looks like that throws out a few options.
    Tank Entry
  5. Tank updates!

    Hello i figured since i haven't really done much on this site that i would at least post some pictures! The better ones were doctored using the photochop technique in the featured section

    EDIT: broke down and got noise ninja fixed a couple pics.



    Updated 05-29-2010 at 09:35 PM by CaelCynndarr

    Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video