Lighting descriptions
So I bought my tank another Christmas gift yesterday. Went to Home Depot and bought a new fuge light for my new bag of cheato. I am taking down the Algae Turf Scrubber because I don't like cleaning it, its a slight bit loud and it creates a small amount of salt spray. Also in my particular case I am not seeing as many fuge buddy's as I did the last time I used cheato. I will say that for me the ATS worked but you must be on top it in terms of it's maintenance. As for the bulb, it's a EcoSmart Par38 ...
Updated 01-07-2010 at 12:31 PM by VulcanRider
So I work in the home theater industry, and LED TVs are the hot new trend in HDTVs. Just like in anything else, they are energy effecient, cool, and so small that they have somewhat revolutionized TV. I am seeing this everywhere, from flashlights to home lights to streetlights. They don't seem like they cost very much to assemble, yet they are way out of my price range for the tank. The LED TVs have dramatically dropped in price over their first year, like many other technologies do. I can't ...
Updated 01-07-2010 at 05:53 PM by Jessy
I have a 55g tank with fish and live rock right now. My current lighting fixture is a current usa pc set up with 2 white lights and 2 blue. I want to get a light fixture that will allow me to keep any kind of corals that I want. What are your suggestions? Metal Halide or T5? Thanks guys!
I was wondering if anyone knew of any good cheap alternatives to icecaps?