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Water Chemistry

Test kit results

  1. Packages in the mail make me happy

    by , 08-16-2010 at 08:29 AM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Got a package in the mail on Friday! Thanks Ian. Now I can calibrate my ORP probe and further adjust my ozonier.

    I also sucked up the cost of gas and filled my truck ($75 eek!) so this coming weekend we can do more demo and just be done with it all.
    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry
  2. My Auto Top Off

    So I finally got around to setting up the auto top off. I do spend a lot of time away from the reef and decided that, though I love my wife dearly, she won't always remember to check on the tank. So I spent about 30 dollars on parts from I actually got 3 float switches, the third I may add to the reservoir or just hang on to for a spare. I had a small sheet of 1/4 inch acrylic in the garage to use for the mounting bracket. I ripped off a two inch strip and and heated ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry , ‎ Electrical , ‎ Plumbing
  3. Water Parameters


    Water Parameters.


    Hi guys, today I checked where 300g reached. I checked Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and Ph…. I think I have to buy new test kits. According to result everything is under control.

    As usual i used Nutrafin test kits to check Ammonia……

    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Water Chemistry
  4. Testing for Alk (kh)

    I am having a real problem with my alk levels. I use API test kits. When testing for alk (kh) I can do 3 test in a row and get 3 differnent readings. Just had a test done at a lfs and they gave me a reading of 13 alk. Pretty high, which would explain some burnt tips. I just tested again with the api kit and got a reading of 8. Something is amiss obviously. What test kit do you guys use and feel is the most dependable? This is a 99% sps tank.

    Updated 07-31-2010 at 06:02 PM by melev

    Water Chemistry
  5. new Tank

    Set up a new 75 gallon tank still a little algae left from when I started cycle over a month ago. I have been reading the posts on vodka dosing and I am deciding if I want to or not. I have no coral yet, just 2 cromis which are doing great, 6 crabs, 6 hermits, I think they are good, I only see 1 at a time and not very frequently, I have 5 turbo snails and 15 regular snails, and 2 bottles of tiggerpods they have all been in the tank for about 3 weeks. my concert is my first coral/s I leave ...
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