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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Tunze Comline Reefpack 505 Inquiry.

    I'm interested in purchasing the Tunze Comline Reefpack 505 for my aquarium because it has different equipment that I want to use integrated into one system. However, I don't want to have to put money aside for two months to purchase the system. If I decide to purchase each piece individually starting with the Protein Skimmer. Can I purchase the Tunze Comline Filter 3166 with the integrated Tunze Osmolator 3155 combined in the same unit separately? Or do I have to purchase the unit as a whole to ...
  2. The Toadstool Leather is dying

    I hate to share bad news, but...

    The Toadstool Leather that was moved out of my reef is in terrible shape. It was moved into a trashcan with live rock on July 4th. I knew it would slime heavily, and it did. I changed the water twice that week, doing 50% water changes in the barrel.

    While I was out of town over the weekend, my tank sitter texted me that the house smelled terrible and that it was certainly the leather. As soon as I got home, I drained out 50% of the water ...
  3. question on sps coral shapes

    I am building out my SPS dominated reef. My question is when most people refer to a colony, are they just refering to an sps piece fully grown out?

    The second part of that is do all frags grow into colonies? For example i have a nice birds nest that is the exact shape as a half circle and 5 inches in diameter - i assume this is a colony. My staghorn acrapora is nice, but it grows up and sprouts a few branches - but does not look like it will ever become that half circle colony, it ...
  4. time to make a sump

    I am ready to make my sump, i am getting my 20 gal long tonight. can someone tell where to find the sizes for the dividing pieces , how many, what depth to set them,Is there a blue print somewhere i can get.

    Updated 07-15-2010 at 02:53 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  5. Moving Aquarium

    Hey everyone.

    So I will be moving my 40 gal tank soon enough. It is about a 30 min drive away so not tooo too bad.
    My plan was just to unplug everything.. remove the light, pumps, heater and then about 20 % of the water in the tank. Il just leave everything in there cause its time consuming to take the rock out and livestock.. I have a trailer for my motorcycle that should fit the tank on perfectly. That way it will be in the open and get some breeze on the top of the water so ...