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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Anyone have a favorite movable background between their tank and their fish room?

    by , 11-07-2011 at 11:58 AM (180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.)
    I'm wondering if some type of drawable blind is the answer. I like being able to see my aquarium from the fish room side, but I don't like being able to see my fish room from the front of the aquarium. Any descriptions/pictures would be much appreciated!
  2. Korallin Sulphur BioDenitrator

    Hi, I'm new here I have a used Korallin Sulphur BioDenitrator that I purchased on Craig's list that I know nothing about. Do I need to replace the sulphur media before using it?

    I'll be running it on a 120 gal.
  3. How to grow more Coralline algae?

    My tank has been up for over 2 years now and I just cannot get much coralline to grow. Seems like it does ok on the rock but none on the back glass and barely any on the overflow for a tank being this old. Whats the secret to success? Here are my parameters,

    CA 500
    NO3 15
    phos 0
    KH 10
    Salinity 1.025

    I do a 15% W/C every week.
  4. First SPS Coral!

    Hello everyone!Sorry about how much I blog I know I get annoying especially to melev cuz I always tag him but I cannot help myself lolAnyways about 1 hour ago I took the proverbial leap into the world of SPS corals by purchasing a decent size frag of Pocilliopora !!!!!! Now I would like to know of any previous encounters and specific care techniques and secrets of these corals so that i may have the best chances with my first SPS coral I use the exact same fixtures that this SPS is was grown ...
  5. Tunze powerheads???

    Hello all!

    This is achilliestangman2357, my name was graciously changed by melev upon my request to my real first name. (less typing when im logging in)

    Anyways the purpose of this blog is to ask if anyone here on reef addicts has had any experience with the powerhead brand called? i ask because i am tired of my crappy koralia powerheads and i cannot afford vortech's( other than the two brand new mp10's that i got for a total of about $37.85) So unless i find another deal ...
    Tags: melev
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Equipment
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