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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Why culture Phytoplancton and rotifers

    Hello I was wondering If anyone cultures Phytoplancton and Rotifers?

    Also what eats them or i guess what value would they add to my tank?
  2. Biopellets- with or without a Refugium?

    First I'd like to say thanks to Melev for all of his articles over the years, I've learned a lot reading them and have enjoyed following along your blogs.

    I am setting up a 180 gallon tank that will be mostly SPS. I tore this tank down in 2008 and am setting it up again with some updates. Main one being I'm switching from MH/VHO's to AI LED's.

    I've been doing a lot of reading and research and I am planning on running Biopellets on this system. Is a refuguim required ...
  3. For the acrylic fab pros...

    I have an acrylic tank with plumbing on the back. In order for this tank to be useful to me I want all the plumbing to come up from the bottom, and have the tank sit flush against the wall. My question is, should I remove the bulkheads and patch a piece of acrylic over the holes, or plug the bulkheads? I prefer the first option aesthetically, but reliability is the key here.

    Updated 08-26-2011 at 01:43 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  4. Not just a floss question.

    My 135 has been running now for several (7-9) months. I am running a skimmer and a natureef denitrator with the phosphagone option for 3-4l months as well. The denitrators bacteria has grown well and has brought my nitrates down from around 40ppm to zero. My phosphates are hovering around .25 and im starting to get tiny amounts of very light green hair and cyano on a new piece of live rock i added a month or two ago. I have had filter floss running which i change out every couple of weeks. ...
  5. protein skimmer??

    So i have a 65 gallon tank and i think its time to get my first protein skimmer i was wondering what are some good brand??

    Also is there such thing as to much skimming? as i do plan on upgrading to a 220g tank in 2-3 years should i buy a smaller skimmer for this tank and then a largerone for the new tank?

    Thanks again everyone