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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Poly carb or Acrylic for sump

    didnt know which would be better going to try my hand at building one instead of using a tank as i have in the past. Any good online places to get the bonding agent as it is not available local here at the glass shops
  2. Embed YouTube Videos?

    Hey everyone, is there a way to embed YouTube videos into a blog? Obviously you can post a link easily but I can't get them to embed. Any ideas?

    Updated 02-02-2011 at 02:56 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input
  3. metric to standard plumbing

    looking at some octopus skimmers and they say they have metric plumbing what kind of issues will this cause. I dont ever recall seeing any metric pipe or adapters in the states
  4. BM Nac 6 is up and running and i have Questions ;)

    Ok so just a few quick questions as this is my first skimmer.

    1. Are skimmers in general meant to always have the foam at the top of the neck or just when there is something to skim? For example when you clean green algae off your glass.
    2. Does it matter how deep in the water they sit or is it just a matter of adjusting them to your desired skim rate?
    3. Is it better to see large/med bubbles coming out or small bubbles like a frothy foam?

    Here are some pics ...
  5. Marineland Reef LED lighting???

    Does any one have these and are they any good for Fish AND Corals. I know in asking "corals" that there are soft and hard corals, as a newbie, I havent figured out whats what in that category...If the marineland Reef Lighting will work on 1 type, I'd be pretty set with that option...

    Does anyones LFS use these in a DT in the store???

    Opinions? Thoughts???

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