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  1. Live rock combined at last.

    This weekend, I received some blueprints of the new tank. It states on them that I can't share them without their express permission, so I'll ask. It looks like we are very close to getting the tank ordered, which is the first step of many.

    The LR barrel has been running on auto pilot. It's just a bunch of rock, water, and a Mag pump. I had a second barrel of rock that was cycling due to the Leather's demise (I'm assuming it is dead by now, and haven't heard back yet). I've been ...

    Updated 08-01-2010 at 11:51 PM by melev

    Tank Entry
  2. Vortech your pendants

    I've been ignoring how the pendants were hanging at an angle over the SPS vat, but it bugged me. I wanted to direct the light down into the vat and get them level, so I thought about various options.

    The easiest solution was to use one of the spare Vortech magnets I use when building sumps to keep the two pendants straight. Simple, free, and it works.

    Lighting , ‎ DIY projects
  3. Gluing coral to magnets and snails

    is it okey to glue coral to magnets or snails?? If I glued GSP to a magnets and I kept the magnets moving and not let it sit days on end could the GSP still encrust to the glass???

    Updated 08-01-2010 at 01:44 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input