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  1. A new guy from da Nort

    Hey all.. My name is Jay, and im from the Ottawa Region in Ontario, Canada.
    I just joined yesterday.. I was on melev's site and noticed this one.. Seemed pretty cool so I joined up.
    Have been member of RC for a couple of years now as well.

    Anyways, I have some good knowledge in this hobby but would not consider myself a super advanced hobbiest, simple from the lack of funds that would have gone towards this, therefore further enhancing my experienced knowledge, and hands ...
    Tank - Full Summary
  2. Help me decide on my next tank!

    First allow me to give an introduction of sorts. My name is Justin, and I'm currently deployed far far away from my mated maroon pair being cared for by my girlfriend (PLEASE BE ALIVE WHEN I GET BACK!). Being away from the tank for a year + the internet = tons of research and planning. I find myself at a crossroads and was hoping the community could give me some feedback. "Garden" tanks don't really tickle my fancy, as I feel concepts such as cross-species competition and chemical warfare ...
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