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  1. Give a fellow reefer some advice.

    I'm undecided on what type of bulb to use.

    HQI DE or Mogul SE?

    I've read that HQI DE give off less heat and are more intense, true?

    Which do you use and why do you think it's better?

    Thank You.
  2. Digital Aquatics new 40g DIY mixed reef

    I'm starting a 40g mixed reef here at work. I'm starting with an All Glass 40g breader (18"x18"x36) and an building an in-tank sump on one end of the tank. You should see this tank in some future videos and images from DA as we'll be using it (when it's ready) to demo our new stuff as we roll it out. Should be a fun project and while it's a step up from my current 20g desk tank, it's a big step down from my 155 that I had at home. I'm excited to get this going!
    Tank - Full Summary
  3. Hyposalinity

    So my fish got iched right up overnight and I lost my tang.. thought I lost my damsel but I just found him under a rock.. The only method I have right now for ich would be hyposalinity in a 10 gal quarantine..
    I have need done this so I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations... Im wondering if i should just leave him in the display tank and im sure hes gonna get better.. but I do want to get rid of this ich.. i mean I might as well at this point right?
  4. Avatars - Make one!

    We were at a loss at why people couldn't find the time to change their avatar from the stock avatar to something personalized. Finally, we realized that the little white silhouette figure on grey background was just too darn attractive.

    People fell in love with that faceless dude and were having separation anxiety. With this new knowledge, we went back into the think tank and came out with a better idea.

    Updated 01-16-2010 at 01:35 AM by Jessy

    Tags: avatar
    Update from the Committed Ones
  5. No caulerpa + no fuge sandbed + no filter sock= Easy Reefin'

    And so far I'm liking it. Life is much easier now. I no longer have to worry about changing and cleaning the filter socks (which I hate), and no sand bed in the refugium section of my sump means I can now stir/vacuum the bottom of the sump to remove detritus .

    And call it science or just strange, but ever since, for the past three days, since I removed the Caulerpa I had growing my pH has maintained itself between 8.1-8.15 as opposed to the previous readings of 7.8-7.9. Let's ...

    Updated 01-17-2010 at 02:22 AM by melev

    Tank Entry
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