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  1. Cutting live rock with a hack saw?

    Anyone tried this before? I am thinking about cutting some of my live rock in half, so that a smooth surface is created which could then form a nice stable base, or maybe glue nicely to a back wall or overflow. I thought this might be a fun way to get more creative with the aquascaping, while at the same time keeping the structure open and off the sand bed, preventing dead spots.

    I am thinking of using a hack saw and a small plastic mitre box. Place the rock in the box, line up the ...
    DIY projects
  2. A Reef Grows in the Bronx Update: Monday, October 17, 2011.

    The new protein Skimmer has been in operation since Friday evening and I honestly couldn't be more happier. This is a photograph of the skimmate production from over the weekend. I think this is enough to show that the recirculating model is more then doing it's job. I'm going to need a skimmate locker before my swabbie!

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    Tank Entry , ‎ Equipment
  3. Can a tank be too clean?

    Ok, so here's my problem if you want to call it that. About 3 months ago I decided to try a 3g a day water change on my 400g system. Around 8 weeks the SPS started to grow and color up nicely. Over the last 2 weeks or so my ORA Tri-color has went from Cream/Purple/ with green polyps to a REALLY light cream color, not bleach white but no purple and no green polyps. It started out Brown/Purple with green polyps.

    My tests are showing 0's across the board, 450 ca and 9 DKH. Can it ...
  4. vacation

    we are going on vacation, not really sure where yet kids are surprising us. all i know it is some where tropical, so I am looking to getting some underwater cameras has anyone used any before. thanks MIke
    Random Thoughts
  5. New fish & corals

    So here are a few pictures from the stuff I brought home from CRASE, as promised. Some (or most) of the Chromis. The tank now has 36 in it.

    The corals were given a 24 hour Interceptor bath, then a 10+ minute dip in ReVive. The corals were then moved to my frag tank.

    Plenty of dry food for a while.

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