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  1. Boxing in and firring out

    This afternoon I got the hole cleaned up. I needed to box it in to the viewable area and fir it out so that the trim would have something to mount to. here are the pictures of what I did.

  2. 112g reef tank build

    I recently picked up a 112 gallon oceanic tank. im going to build a custom stand and sump for it and im going to do my best to make this setup efficient and make it so that water changes and maintenance is easy.

    this is the general idea in theory i want to combine the 112 and my existing 40g breeder build together into one system. ill be building a 48" x18" x 16"tall sump to run both systems. the lighting will be led eventually but will be metal halide and t5 for now. ...
  3. water testing the new tank

    Hey everyone!
    sorry i havent been too active here latley, with the upcomong move ive been trying to get all the hours i can at work, and i havent really been doing anything to the tank, i just got a couple new chalice frags thats about it.

    the good news is 1month after ordering, i finally receved my overflow box!! because it took so long i was able to get it for free! i installed it wednesay morning, im now water testing the tank! aslong as everything goes good i will drill ...
    Tank Entry
  4. The tank is on the stand

    Yesterday I got some friends together to lift the tank on to the stand. The estimated weight of the tank is 450lbs and not an easy lift for sure. To make it even more difficult we had to put the tank up at an angle in order to clear the garage door rail.

    First I dragged the pallet and tank out of the garage with the golf cart and spun the tank around and let the edges hang off so we could grab it.

  5. 265 Gallons - here we go.

    Alright so I bought a used 265 gal tank... there are days that I wonder what the heck was I thinking? as if my life wasn't complicated enough. I'm a mom, wife, home owner, and operations manger to a multi-million dollar company, lets throw in a very complicated hobby. So let me show you guys the tank. [IMG][/IMG][IMG]
    so as you can see its already drilled... but that's a pretty big hole.... when I first noticed this ...
    Tank Entry