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    Published on 02-15-2010 12:56 PM
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    After sifting through all the submissions, these are the Top 10 entries we liked. Ed, Jessy and I reviewed them carefully and put together these excellent entries.

    Now the power shifts to you. Each one of you has a vote to determine who deserves the Digital Aquatics Reefkeeper Elite Net controller. One lucky person will win a $500 prize!!! Take your time, review each entry and decide which one is the best of the ten.
    by Published on 02-13-2010 09:49 PM
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    Gudgeon Goby (Ptereleotris heteropterus)

    The Gudgeon Goby safely inhabits a reef tank, staying near the substrate and yet not sifting it like other gobies may. They don't burrow in the sand; they prefer to find a tight safe spot in a crevice between rock and substrate. When kept in a group, they venture out one by one, and will retreat in the same order. Smaller food is preferred, such as cyclop-eeze. They are almost painfully shy, but when out are totally worth it because very few people keep them.

    Origin: Red Sea and East Africa to the Hawaiian, Line, Marquesan, and Society Islands, north to the Ryukyu Islands, ...
    Published on 02-13-2010 01:59 PM
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    Or maybe you just want to raise a batch of clowns for the sheer joy of saying you did it...

    Over the last couple of weeks and months many great reefers and aspiring breeders have approached me online and in person and have asked me what is takes to do this. Figured it was time to put together some of my thoughts on how to get started, what it will take, what it could cost, etc.... I cannot begin to tell you how many countless folks have shot me a message exclaiming.

    "Oh my gosh, my clownfish have eggs! What do I do?"
    "I got eggs!, and I just went to Amazon and bought every book with Clownfish in the title, I have twenty two 55 gallon tanks on standby and half a zillion rotifers, is this gonna cut it?" Sheesh.
    by Published on 02-12-2010 01:39 AM
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    With my recent blogs, you've read about how the power has been going out due to the snowfall in Fort Worth, Tx:

    Snow - my favorite topic; & a power outage to deal with

    No Power Again

    Let me describe how I run the generator when an emergency strikes. If the power doesn't resume within one hour, the generator is used.
    Published on 02-10-2010 01:35 PM

    Extraordinary footage of a rarely seen giant deep sea fish has been captured by scientists.
    Using a remotely operated vehicle, they caught a rare glimpse of the huge oarfish, perhaps the first sighting of the fish in its natural setting.
    The oarfish, which can reach 17m long, has previously only been seen on a few occasions dying at the sea surface, or dead washed ashore.
    The scientists also filmed for the first time the behaviour of a manefish.

    Mark Benfield from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, US was undertaking ...
    Published on 02-10-2010 01:23 PM
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    ReefAddicts Podcast Episode 2 has arrived! You can sit back and breathe easier while you listen to 2 hr 30 minutes and 25 seconds of it. In honor of Valentine's Day this episode features some new adventures for melev's love life, a guest appearance from the ever-so-lovely Laura Birenbaum of IceCap Inc., and a great discussion about fish tank rooms featuring Drew Richardson. We wrap up the show with some of the insanity left on our Reef Addicts Answering Machine by YOU our dedicated addicts! As always thanks for the listen and be sure to tell all the other addicts you know about the new podcast!
    by Published on 02-02-2010 04:39 PM
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    Several Hawaii residents, environmentalists and commercial tropical fish collectors are outraged over the dumping of 610 fish, discovered this past weekend in a trash bin at Honokohau Small Boat Harbor.

    Read More: http://www.westhawaiitoday.com/artic...al/local01.txt

    I wonder why these guys got dumped. I think it was probably an exporter's tank crash at some facility personally. But still, to see all those lovely tang laid out on the ground like this. Makes me sad. ...

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