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    by Published on 02-02-2010 03:48 PM
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    In the quest to continually raise the bar for product excellence and customer experience, EcoTech Marine is pleased to announce the release of the all new EcoTech Marine Battery Backup™. Thanks to our loyal and rapidly expanding customer base, EcoTech Marine continues to grow its product line.

    Expanding our product line and in-sourcing our production and quality control is a natural step for us to take and one we hope is embraced by the reefing community. After an extensive period of engineering, the new EcoTech Marine Battery Backup ...
    by Published on 02-01-2010 09:45 AM

    Go on location with Stephen Frink for Alert Diver Magazine and Divers Alert Network with Ken Nedimyer of CoralRestoration.org in the beautiful Florida Keys. Ken's underwater nursery of over 3000 Staghorn and Elkhorn corals is a amazing thing to see.

    Click the link above if you'd like to adopt a coral and support this project. ...
    by Published on 01-31-2010 01:39 PM
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    The idea of keeping jellyfish is not necessarily a new one. The specialized tanks, life support equipment and the main food sources have also been around since the 1960’s. So, why don’t we see them all over the place? Why is it there are only a handful of companies over the past 50 years that deal with jellyfish in some way?

    The challenge through the years in bringing jellyfish to the ornamental fish marketplace has been threefold; a consistent supply of jellyfish, user friendly and functional plankton kreisels and life support systems that don’t make the hobbyist want to pull their hair out in frustration, and an easily obtained, administered and nutritional food source. Of course, there will always be those who wish to tinker with and modify their systems with the utmost of joy and glee on their faces as they do it! Those folks also enjoy growing and making their own food sources for their aquatic buddlies. However, when trying to bring any of the specialized animals like the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia aurtia, Aurelia labiata (the moon jellyfish species) and Chrysaora fuscescens (West Coast Sea Nettle) to the marketplace, things need to be more turn key and easily accessible for the market to establish itself positively and, in turn, grow.
    by Published on 01-27-2010 01:00 PM
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    Keeping tradition of bringing you awesomely fun things to do and read, we thought we'd offer up a bit of enjoyment to distract you on this day. Whatever you may be doing, take a pause, and give Reef Addicts a call. Leave a message on our answering machine. If we like it, we add it to our podcast. Simple as that. Be creative, be funny, and be inventive. You can say whatever you'd like, be it monologue, dialogue, or ballad. Keep in mind that we will use it at our own discretion. We probably won't be using profanity or raunchy messages. Leave those at your own risk, or preferably not at all. But, do understand that whatever you say is being recorded and can be used by Reef Addicts any way we deem necessary. So don't say anything you wouldn't want your mother, your wife, or little Johnny hearing at some point.
    by Published on 01-26-2010 10:17 PM
    1. Equipment
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    In 2009, Marineland released a new version of their famous Maxijet pump. The Maxijet Premium Utility Pump doesn't resemble its predecessor, as it is meant to be used as a return pump. There are seven models available, ranging from 106-gallons per hour (gph) to 1385gph.

    This pump can be used internally or externally, meaning it can be submerged in the sump or plumbed via bulkhead to the pump. Few pumps have that feature, which makes this choice a flexible one for future needs. Using the included fittings, they can be screwed into the pumps threaded fittings, and flexible tubing can be used to deliver the water back to the display tank. The included fittings allow for two different tubing sizes. The Model 5500 can use 3/4" or 1" tubing on the barb connection. Note: The owner may want to use a cutting tool to trim off the 3/4" barb if they plan to use the 1" barb section, to avoid unnecessary restriction which results in lesser flow rates.
    by Published on 01-26-2010 01:51 PM
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    Announced via Facebook today, Marine Depot now has a Firefox plug-in to let you quickly search whatever your aquarium needs in the built-in search box.

    You can find the link on this page: http://blog.marinedepot.com/2009/02/...ch-plugin.html

    I installed it and it worked instantly in my browser. What a great feature. Eventually Reef Addicts is going to need this too, right? ...
    Published on 01-26-2010 01:36 PM
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    Submitted by Trido

    First, I'll start off with a small disclaimer - I did not create this idea on my own. It was an idea I elaborated on to suit my own needs. This tool is something plugged into your household outlet and put into your fish tank with open ended wires allowing electricity to pass through the water. I cant be held responsible for any injury to yourself or your livestock. Use at your own risk. With that said. Ive used this on several large reef tanks including one of the premier Seattle area LFS's display tank.

    Now a little history followed by step by step instructions to build one for yourself. If you're brave enough.

    Last summer ...

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