• That didn't take long! Welcome to the new site (April Fools)

    Three months in, we sure didn't see this one coming... You probably noticed the new look of our site already. Let me bring you up to speed. With our continuing efforts to bring you current information, answer questions, release articles and podcasts, it was quickly noticed by others that we were on to something. Over the past 10 days, negotiations took place which resulted in our site being acquired by ReefCentral.com

    You'll note the whimsical logo at the top of our site. That's on purpose because we like to have fun here, and they knew it. Our agreement allows for us to not only continue to entertain you addicts, but also puts up the funding for some pretty cool expansions in the near future. The new URL will be www.ReefAddictsCentral.com, but for the next few weeks this address will work. Once we've officially moved over to the bigger faster servers, we will install an auto-forwarding script to get you there of course.

    With the signed paperwork, a lot of money changed hands and I'm excited to show you some of the changes I'm making personally.

    First of all, my house is up for sale. It's a nice little place: 4 roomy bedrooms, 3 baths, large kitchen, dining room, den, game-room, walk-in closets, solar power panels, slightly used fishroom, 3 car garage, pool and bathhouse on a half-acre. I'm taking offers, so if you're interested in a gently used home in good condition, email me at melev@reefaddicts.com. I'd like to get $695,000 for it.

    I'm putting in a bid on this new place, which was so big you can't even see the left and right sides. It's awesome. Not only is it completely wired for WIFI and tv in every room, it has a wine cellar. I'm no stranger to wine, so that's a cool addition and I'll be able to bring in pallets of Crown Royal and store them in the cool environment. More importantly, it has a basement, something unheard of in Texas. When I found that out, I was sold. It also has the auto-switching backup-generator, which I'm excited to get. I love the huge entry way, which will be perfect when people come over to see my new tank (more about that in a bit)!

    This one is located in Irving, so I'm going to be a Dallas guy now, I guess. Since I work from home, I might as well enjoy it right? It's in escrow now, but in a mere 30 days, I'll move some of my stuff in. Much of what I own will be sold or donated to charity so I can enjoy some newer furniture and goodies. For those reef hotties out there that would like to help me decorate the new place, be sure to drop me a line or leave me a message at 1 (682) 233-4284 and I'll call you back.

    With my bank account full, I went shopping. I've done the sensible car thing, the mini-van and later the SUV. It was long overdue that I finally get a nice sports car. I found this baby at Nissan for a mere $82k. It's a 2010 GTR. I couldn't wait to show it to you guys, so it isn't detailed for these pictures; it's was lined up with the other vehicles to get customer-ready. I'll be picking it up tomorrow.

    I'm interested in some other stuff, so I stopped by Yamaha as well. I had a motorcycle years ago, and need to renew that part of my drivers license before I can start riding again. This bike beckoned to me the moment I walked into the showroom. The sign I'm holding up states not to sit on it because it's sold.

    While I was there, I saw a jetski and a four wheeler. I'm still haggling with them on this one because I like it, but I'm not entirely convinced I need it. Yet. We have lakes nearby, but I'd rather be on the ocean if I got one. Having this much money all of a sudden sure makes the mind wander though.

    As I was heading back, Guitar Center caught my eye. My son plays the guitar, so he can teach me a few things for sure. This guitar was pretty hot, but I'm not as convinced that used amps are a good choice. I'll probably just get some new ones with a warranty. Do I look like a guitar hero yet?

    Making my daily stop by Starbucks, it struck me that I really need to invest some of the new income received from Reef Central. I love coffee, and the staff at this store have always treated me well, so I may just franchise this location. Not only will I finally get my $5-a-cup Venti Peppermint Mocha Latte for free, but I'll even make a little money from the bean-addicted people. Win win!

    Now I need your help. With my ginormous house, I'm looking at getting a really big reef tank. $50,000 is what I'm going to start with, but I need your ideas. It doesn't take much high-end gear to eat up that money, so try to be reasonable. I've been following the 13,500 L-shaped tank in Canada, and that's pretty neat. There's an awesome 3-meter cube in Germany that is lit with daylight that impressed me as well. But I don't want to copy others, I want it to be unique. At the same time, I'd like to share it with all of you, and I'd like you to feel like it is partly yours. Future articles and blog entries will come from this project, posted on www.reefaddictscentral.com. So post your ideas below and perhaps yours will be used in my biggest challenge yet. If we need to spend a little more, so be it. Keep in mind that I like to really think things through and have back ups in place in case gear fails, so money has to be allocated to a closet full of extra equipment to have on hand.

    Be sure to check out the new ReefAddictsCentral Podcast. We want to thank ReefCentral for putting their faith in our site and backing us with their full support. With their financial backing, all of you can expect to see bigger prizes, more features, and tons of interviews in the future. Saying 'stay tuned' seems to be an understatement - this is going to be epic.
    Comments 74 Comments
    1. cpl40475's Avatar
      cpl40475 -
      Im still a member of the Republic of (censored) figured since they censored stuff about here I'd censor there name . I wondered what happened and thought maybe you stole the Czar of (censored) wife or favorite fish. Just cause you used a similar logo? give me a break. I quit paying for membership a few years back cause they banned a few ppl also and thought about paying for premium again, Changed my mind as soon as i found this sit and why they banned you after all you have done for them and there members.May close my thread there and open it up here and get ideas for it. BTW don't forget a truck to pull the jetski to the lake ATVs are not road legal. While your at it grab a boat so we can party on the weekends.
    1. melev's Avatar
      melev -
      A boat is definitely something I need to get as well.
    1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
      Alaska_Phil -
      I always figured I needed something like this for collecting trips ...If I ever leave the artic that is.

    1. cpl40475's Avatar
      cpl40475 -
      YOu can use boats in the Artic it just needs skids or wheels under it
    1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
      Alaska_Phil -
      Quote Originally Posted by cpl40475 View Post
      YOu can use boats in the Artic it just needs skids or wheels under it
      Boats yes, collecting tropical coral and fish here is a bit tougher though.
    1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
      Alaska_Phil -
      OK, PaulB was lamenting his lack of photographic ability on that other site, so I posted a hyperlink to the article here, since it helped me tremendously. Bets on how long till I'm banned there?
    1. Snakebyt's Avatar
      Snakebyt -
      Quote Originally Posted by Alaska_Phil View Post
      OK, PaulB was lamenting his lack of photographic ability on that other site, so I posted a hyperlink to the article here, since it helped me tremendously. Bets on how long till I'm banned there?
      I am suprised that it actually let you post the link, i tried to post a link to this site in a PM and it was censored. Are they that scared of other sites?
    1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
      Alaska_Phil -
      Turns out the hyper link didn't work, just refreshes the page. Someone else tried to post the link visibly and it automatically changed it to "copy right violation". So they told Paul to just google the title of the article. But I haven't been banned yet, which is good. There are still a lot of good people and information there.
    1. Off The Deep End's Avatar
      Off The Deep End -
      Hi all this is my first post here so i hope it works and i dont get banned! LOL I just wanted to chime in here because i just got banned on reepcentral for telling Beerguy to show us all some proof of what melev did wrong and of coarse he couldn't! He just procceded to tell me i had 2 options. 1 move on with my life or 2 keep pushing and get banned! Then he closed the thread, so i opened a new thread and merly stated that i thought reepcentral frowned on people making threats expecially mods! well i guess that did the trick. melev i have never talked to you before but i just wanted to tell you thanks for all the help in this hobby.
    1. jimmyPx's Avatar
      jimmyPx -
      Hi, a little note I sent to Reef Central. The way beerguy treated everyone is the last straw. Maybe a little hit in the wallet will wake them up. I'll be hanging our here from now on.

      To Whom it may Concern,
      I have supported ReefCentral for many years with a Premium membership.
      However, due to a real jerk of a moderator named beerguy who saw fit to ban many of my friends including Melev (who has helped me out a bunch of times with advice over the years), I hereby request to also be banned and cancel both by Premium and regular membership.
      Reef Central used to be a place I really enjoyed being a part of. However due to the heavy handed tactics of late, it is not something I wish to be a part of.
      Jim Power (jimmyPx)
    1. daugherty's Avatar
      daugherty -
      wow sorry to hear that you were banned you are a great infulence to many reefers. if you like you can all join us on livingreefs.com it is a very friendly site.
    1. BigAl07's Avatar
      BigAl07 -
      New "here" but WOW! Interesting read!!

      This is a HUGE upgrade though!
    1. BigAl07's Avatar
      BigAl07 -
      Might want to "re-direct" a couple of your links on
      TANKS (probably some other pages too) because I just browsed and located several pointing over to RC. Maybe run a query and globally change them all at once? ? ?
    1. stooges3tx's Avatar
      stooges3tx -
      I guess I am a tad late but I was banned awhile back. Those guys are killing that website. Another member accused me of being a wholesaler and I was instantly removed from the able to sale section and then I pmed the mod and asked him to review my situation. He later then told me the restriction would stay and I told him he was being ignorant. That prompted him to threaten me with banning my PM privledge. I then contacted another mod and asked him to take a look at his other mods actions and judgement. I was civil this whole time..... He then stated that he was not going to do a thing and if I kept pming mods about this I would lose my PM rights.... Well.... I then opened a good bye thread in the lounge and warned them about how they were pushing away good people with knowledge due to them being too rigid and dictator like. I missed the site at first but don't really care now. That site will go downhill and will not be the great information place it used to be. Sad that a bunch of tools got in power and are wrecking it. It was a great place at one time.