• On Location Interviews at MAX

    We had a blast today interviewing everyone from Bob Fenner to reef-heart-throb* John Ciotti, most recently known for his recent victory over Scott Fellman in the Aquascaping contest at ReefStock this year. Everyone we interviewed was given a shot of Crown before we sicked Marc on then with his witty banter and unique sense of humor. We are working on editing all the videos but here are two to get you started.

    The rest of the videos will be released one at a time on our YouTube Channel and in the "On Location" category on this site. Be sure to check back and see what's new.

    *Apparently there are some scantily clad photos of John floating around the interweb.

    Marc interviews John Ciotti

    Marc interviews Justin Credible
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. melev's Avatar
      melev -
      To update, Jessy has uploaded nine interviews so far. There are probably 12 more, which will be added in the near future. More vendors, and two pretty cool demos for 2-part dosing and an ATO system using a controller.