• Easy Blade - Product Demo and Review

    In the true deeply-lazy-reefer fashion, I tend to neglect scraping the coralline algae off the glass. It's a pain, my long-handled scraper doesn't have a sharp enough blade, but my short-handled razor scraper isn't long enough to reach the bottom of the tank, and either way I wind up soaked, stabbed by acros, bitten by &%$#@ fish, and probably accidentally fragging stuff along the way. Not a very enjoyable way to spend an evening.


    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
    ... A german* piece of plastic.
    Let's just say I was "a little bit skeptical", but I dutifully scraped all the coralline off my cleaner magnet so I could glue the doohickie onto the back of it, stuck the contraption in my tank - and IT WORKS LIKE A CHAMP!
    Don't forget to get some replacement blades while you're at it.

    Review By: Jessica Gadling

    *Its not really German... I was just making fun of how all reef things are better if they're from Germany

    Lazy reefer's tank covered in coraline algae


    Tank after a good clean with a MagFloat. Coraline stays strong.

    Demo of lazy reefer cleaning tank with Easy Blade

    Holy Grail. Clean tank...Check. Lazy reefer, still lazy?...Check.

    Videos By: Shelly Anderson
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. Plantguy's Avatar
      Plantguy -
      One of my favorite tools. I had a 500 gallon display that would take about an hour to clean the glass (If I didnt spend 30 minutes crying like a child after pinching my fingers in the jaws of a great white). With the easy-blade, mounted to a large Mag-Float, same job took less than ten minutes. Great product!
    1. Jessy's Avatar
      Jessy -
      LOL. What is great white?
    1. melev's Avatar
      melev -
      I used it as well, about once a month. I bought a Mag-Float just for that need, and use my regular Hammerhead Float for the day to day cleaning.

      The nice thing about this system is I can clean the back panel and my glass overflows as well. That way everything pops against a nice clean background.

      Matter of fact, it's time I do that again.
    1. Plantguy's Avatar
      Plantguy -
      The great white, is a large glass cleaning, finger smashing, monster algae magnet, made by Algae-Free. I still have mine, but it now has an acrylic pad, since I can't use the easyblade in those situations.
    1. BetterMetalReef's Avatar
      BetterMetalReef -
      Good work with the video demonstration! If a picture says a thousand words, I think the video pretty much says it all. Was that cleaning on acrylic or glass? Wondering about scratch possibilities for acrylic.
    1. 1fishkeeper's Avatar
      1fishkeeper -
      Great write up one it. I have seen them but I was always a little iffy on getting one. Now after watching your videos I think that I just might give it a try. BetterMetaIReef I went to there website and it says that its only for glass. It has a metal blade in it that will kill your acrylic tank if use on it.
    1. ams-chicago's Avatar
      ams-chicago -
      I love my easy blade and I use them on all of my customers tanks as well.