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Interesting finds :)

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Im not sure if there's any etiquette to follow as far as frequency of blogging, so if I annoy anyone feel free to let me know and I'll keep it down a bit :P

But, after observing my tank for a while, I noticed this little centipede looking guy on my liverock! It's amazing the things you bring home without even realizing. He's about the length of my pinky and is totally white. I also observed that my scooter blenny is feasting on the red algae in my tank, is this common? i mean, hes really going to town on it.

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  1. NightShade's Avatar
    the centipede looking thing sounds kinda like a bristle worm and if it is it is not a good thing. I had one in my tank as a hitch hiker and I put the handle of a wooden spoon that I use to move things around with in the tank near it and it latched on. I immediately pulled it out and flushed it.

    This is a bristle worm.

  2. Jessy's Avatar
    Actually Nightshade that is typically not the kind of bristleworm found in our aquariums. We have this skinny red kind, and these are totally ok. They are a pain in the finger if you touch them, but they serve a purpose as part of the clean up crew. As in anything, you hope to not have the population get out of control. But a couple dozen aren't going to hurt anything, except a finger if you touch them.
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by NightShade
    the centipede looking thing sounds kinda like a bristle worm and if it is it is not a good thing. I had one in my tank as a hitch hiker and I put the handle of a wooden spoon that I use to move things around with in the tank near it and it latched on. I immediately pulled it out and flushed it.

    This is a bristle worm.

    NM you changed your pic LOL
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I'll second Jessy, they're great little dentrivors and almost all species are benificial.
  5. Heathd's Avatar
    If its your standard bristle worm, its not really an issue unless you just dont like them. They shouldnt over tank your tank unless you have a nutrient issue, like being a heavy handed feeder.
  6. Caviar's Avatar
    Definitely a bristle worm, red and white in color. Cool little critters, I've counted two of them so far Thanks guys!
  7. gerbilbox's Avatar
    As everyone else has said, bristle worms can be great for the tank, just not for your finger. Someone needs to write a worm guide since they're one of the most misunderstood reef animals.