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The Reffers Itch!

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Am I the only one who has this infernal itch? The one that makes us cruise ebay and craigslist to see if some else’s misfortune will net us a big new tank!!!??? The one that makes us rationalize that we need new lights for the tank instead of say, new tires on the car before winter? The very same itch that makes us see space for another coral in the tank when no such space exists? You know the feeling, when you decide that 20 times water turnover is just not enough? Or that changing the timers on the wave maker for the 50th time in a 24 hour period will EXACTLY re create the indo pacific mid summer wave pattern??? I really don’t obsess about ANYTHING else in my life as much as I do this hobby. Anyone??.... Bueller??

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  1. Trido's Avatar
    We did admit to being "reef addicts" when we signed up for this sight. ALL OF US. It does get a little bit better in time but never really goes away. When you have a 75x turnover, cant fit any more lights over the tank, cant get a bigger tank because your spouse wont let you, cant fit anymore coral into the tank, cant automate anymore equiment, you get to a point that you dont look for things to do everyday.

    I've recently added a second skimmer to my tank "just to see"........ Ya, It never goes away
  2. waldend's Avatar
    My wife asked me what I was on when I was overly happy for a few days in a row. I told her I was "normal". On the 3rd day I realized my problem. When I got home I asked her to sit down and I would tell her what had been different. She almost smacked me when I told her that I was "all hopped up on clownfish!" (P.S. I am getting a new spawning onyx pair and a pair of Bangii's early in Feb)
  3. Plantguy's Avatar
    Speaking as someone that has in the past hidden a tank in a closet to keep my wife from finding it, and spends hours checking my controllers via iphone, I have NO idea what you are talking about.
  4. Mits's Avatar
    Yeah, you can find some gems on craigslist. Just don't try to trade for them in the "casual encounters" section!
  5. doomicon's Avatar
    Oh yea, I'll troll craigslist, ebay, local reefclub forums for stuff. I've really reigned it in thou, and used that energy to focus on taking care of what I got.. since I sorta let it go for awhile.
  6. Robbietaf's Avatar
    Yeah, thats a good way to get ICH. lol!!