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Noticed a new critter last night

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We found a new invert in Little Bright Reef last night. On the very top arch, situated so that you could only see it when viewing from slightly higher than the top of the tank and from the left corner, is a pale red feather duster worm with a white tube. At first I was afraid I was seeing a small aptasia, but when I moved to get a better view, it sucked itself back into the tube and I realized what it was. Very striking, the red tentacles against the white tube and the lavender coraline. Of course the batteries in my camera are dead and need a recharge...will post photos soon.
Here's a photo of the feather duster, greatly enlarged. That's chaetomorpha behind it, for scale.

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Updated 02-03-2011 at 12:02 PM by briight

Things that crawl out of our rock


  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Cool. I noticed one of those in my tank a couple years ago. Now they're all over, and even start growing on the glass and power heads! Very nice.
  2. briight's Avatar
    When we got our first piece of live rock, there were two feather dusters on it. One was a tiny red one, with a white tube growing on the side of the rock, the other was striped brown and white,with it's tube inside the rock. Coraline grew over the red one, but the brown and white one is still there, now about the size of a nickel. I really like them, so I'm glad to find this new one too.