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DJ in WV

Looking for skimmer suggestions

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Looking for some input on a new skimmer have a old berlin style from my old set up but its not big enough for this 180. I havent had a reef tank up for awhile or one this size old was a 75gal so not up on all the new products. If some of you are useing any of the newer brands /types id love some suggestions

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Updated 01-31-2011 at 09:20 PM by DJ in WV

Questions - Need some input


  1. mledford's Avatar
    I like Euro Reef or (Reef Dynamics)

    I have the RS250 Euro Reef...
  2. Wes's Avatar
    I just bought an octopus sro3000 cone and it started skimming immediately. super fine bubbles and nice dark skimmate. it was a great purchase for my 210. you might could get away with a sro2000 on your 180.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    I second the Reef Dynamics, I have been very happy with my INS180. great quality product.
  4. Zmckenzie's Avatar
    A lot of members in our club have been using the Super Reef Octopus XP series and they love them