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DJ in WV

metric to standard plumbing

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looking at some octopus skimmers and they say they have metric plumbing what kind of issues will this cause. I dont ever recall seeing any metric pipe or adapters in the states

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  1. michika's Avatar
    Not much for problems if your handy. I run one right now and I just had to spend some time with a file and my fittings to sand them down a bit to fit. You can order metric plumbing, but it depends on your needs.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    think im down to these to skimmers now and kind of leaning to the ins250 since it made in the US
  3. melev's Avatar
    My friend Wes just got the Reef Octopus 3000 and had the same metric issue, but he got two couplings that were metric on one side and US standard on the other. That way he could plumb his skimmer externally to the sump.
  4. michika's Avatar
    I like the Marine Depot one, but thats just me being attracted irrationally to the red!