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Needing some help plz

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I just got a blue hippo tang last thursday. He still is not eating anything i have givin to him. I have tried rods food flakes nori going to try some brine shrimp tonight. But i need help to get him to eat i don't want to lose him. Thx.

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Updated 02-14-2011 at 02:19 AM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. mhowe9's Avatar
    Any signs of illness on the fish?

    EDIT: Also if an LFS has live brine near you, I would try some of that also.
  2. diablo30xp's Avatar
    no none at all that i can c visibly to the naked eyes. All my other fish are eating. 2 percs 1 purple dotty back 1 yellow tang 1 yellow tail damsel.
  3. Mustang's Avatar
    I can confirm at least that mine likes frozen brine but he is also about 4" long and i have seen young ones eat it at my LFS.
  4. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Brine shrimp will be your best bet, try soaking it in garlic extract to entice him even further.
  5. agsansoo's Avatar
    From what I remember with my blue hippo tang. It didn't eat for weeks after placing him in my tank. After a month he came out of hiding and started eating everything in sight. Just give him more time to adjust to his new home.