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216 watt t5's enough?

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Well life once again is hindering progress on getting my equipment and I had to replace the dryer so I lost some funds for my lighting. I was looking at getting two 24" MH/T5 lights for $200. But now due to funds im looking at a single 48" t5 set up that has 4x 54w T5 bulbs, two 12000k and two actinic bulbs. Will this be enough light to start with some beginner softies and fish? Should i buy one 24" MH/t5 combo for now and just light half of the tank until I can afford the 2nd set?

What do you guys think? I really want to get this thing up and running.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    What is the depth of your tank?
  2. chbix's Avatar
    Its a standard 55 gallon tank so 21" deep.
  3. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    It depends on what you want to keep and what type of fixture it is. If it's an ATI fixture, which at that price it probably isnt, then yes it would good for anything. As it is, it would be fine for softies and fish. And maybe some low light corals such too.

    The potential problem comes down the road when you decide you want SPS/clams/anemones etc and need more light. Then you have to upgrade your lighting to a more powerful unit, which means you spend another $3-700 depending on what you choose. So, spend $200 now and then $3-700 later, or wait a bit, save, and get a good fixture now that you can utilize later too.

    The other option is a DIY setup that you can upgrade later. Say, you can swing 2 T5 48" setups now, then in a few months get another 2 or 3 and have a banging setup that will grow anything.

    The reason I ask what type of fixture it is is that ideally you want individual reflectors on a T5 setup.
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I have a 50 long, same as your 55, just an inch shorter, and I'm growing SPS quite well under 4x54W T5. Mine is an Icecap retrofit kit, but it's the standard high output, not the overdriven version.

  5. chbix's Avatar

    Above is the 48" t5 fixture im looking at

    Above is the MH/T5 fixtures im looking at getting two of them. But can only afford one for now and was gonna get another later.
  6. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    For $100 the T5 would be fine to start with and while not great it's not prohibitively expensive when you want to upgrade.

    Long term you would be better with two of the combo lights. (I'm not saying you cant grow high light corals with T5, I'm a T5 guy, but I think you'd want a better quality fixture for long term use.) But two of those would be just fine I think for a 55. In the mean time you could raise it up to get more coverage I think, but your PAR into the tank would take a hit as it's only 150W. Edit: just noticed that the MH combo is only 18 wide. Not big enough. It says expandable to 24" which means the legs will spread that wide.

    The other potential issue I see is what happens in a few months or next year and you decide you really want a bigger tank.

    If I were you, I'd do one of the following:
    1) save and get a decent fixture. Yes it means waiting, but nothing good comes in this hobby by rushing.
    2) buy a decent fixture used.
    3) DIY of some type. You need a canopy most likely though.
  7. Mccoy85's Avatar
    If you are going to run t5s. I personally would look at ati. Their products are great and while they may be more expensive, you can keep anything under them and realistically you will never have to buy another fixture. I have a 10 x 54w powermodule and I love it.