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LED suggestion?

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I would like to know if anyone has some good ideas where I can get a 36 in. custom LED made for a 40 breeder. Are there any that incorporate a T5 into their LEDs to "wash" out the intensity of the LEDs. I guess my question is, who has the best LEDs right now?

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Updated 02-24-2011 at 01:14 AM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. Reeftankjunkie's Avatar
    I really like the aqua illumination units. They are a little on the expensive side, but the upgradability, and control is beyond cool. You can even simulate a lightning storm from your smart phone.
  2. pepper'scove's Avatar
    I like the offerings by Vertex. The Illumina SR that they make comes in 1ft lengths. I really like them. You can see the YouTube demo here I hope this works for you. You can customize the colors coming out of the unit and you can also simulate a sunrise and sunset moving across the tank. Additionally you can program a moon cycle into it or have it simulate a stormy day. It even comes with software called V-link which you can use to program the light. They're pretty pricey and I have no personal experience with them, but these are the lights I want and the reviews on them that I've read are all pretty positive. The biggest problem with these that I anticipate is getting your hands on them. They also have replaceable guts which is a major plus. Here's a link to the lights on Vertex's site enjoy!
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Don't forget to check out they are one of our sponsers/featured suppliers
  4. baker.shawn's Avatar
    im also looking for a LED for my bad reefkoi wont ship to canada
    have you looked at maxspect
    pricing isnt tooo bad compaired to what it could be, and the control of group (white&blue) balance is nice