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Clean Up Crew

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What inverts would you sugget for a clean up crew on a 75 gallon reef.
I am thinking red legged hermits, cerith snails, and ?? I am going to order from


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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    garf has some good packages
  2. melev's Avatar
    I would get a bunch of tiny critters. I tend to stick to the idea of one snail per gallon.

    So 25 Astrea, 20 ceriths, 20 tiny blue leg hermits, 10 nassarius, 1 fighting conch (small), 1 cucumber, 1 serpent starfish. That's what I'd get. If you want red legs, get 10 instead of 20 blue legs. The best cucumber that looks nice is the Tigertail. You buy one and it will self-propagate over time. At one point, you'll have two or three of them.
  3. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    I've developed a fondness for emerald crabs over hermits.
  4. Jato460's Avatar
    I got my cleaners from live aquaria and I highly suggest it because if you spend more than $60 on a cleaner pack you get free shipping and shipping is usually very expensive with livestock. (around $35) so if you only at $40 you can get 20 more dollars worth of cleaners without paying more.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Get a couple of emerald crabs. Good call, Robb. Maybe even add a Porcelain Crab for fun since they are pretty neat to observe.
  6. rossbryant1956's Avatar
    Everyone needs to check this out for themselves (may only be local) but I heard tonite on another board that Petco has a huge sale going on now. Some guy was talking about buying all these various snails for $0.99 each. I just brought my tank up and am almost in the market for a cleanup crew and thought this was a good price. Please advise if No.

    I purchased "complete idiots guide to salt water aquariums" (before i met this board, also primarily because it had drawings of plumbing and tank designs) but my point was it has sample clean up crews on page 193. I found that to be a good reference.