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Nitrates Filter question

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Experimenting with using Kent Nitrogen sponge in a reactor with some low flow for nitrate reduction.
What flow would you suggest for a start and how would you modify it as the filter matures?
I've read about denitrators and flow is in the order of drop per minute... would you think in a reactor setup I should be doing the same or should I have some low flow pump (50GPH?) directly connected?
what should I wait/Look for to modify my flow through it?
Thanks for any help.

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Updated 03-03-2011 at 01:28 PM by melev

Water Chemistry


  1. melev's Avatar
    I've used Nitrate Sponge by Kent years ago. If I recall, it didn't last too long, but there was a way to recharge it in the oven. What are your current nitrate levels?

    Kent surely has some recommendations how to use their product, but you can't compare that to a Sulfur Denitrator - that's a totally different system.
  2. maroun.c's Avatar
    It went up to 40 in the last months after a bad nitrate test kit that was reading a perfect 0. I'm struggling to get it down with water changes and it's not moving.
    Kent only talks about it being effective in water flow to deal with ammonia and nitrites in fresh and saltwater and it being efficient to be used as a denitrifier in slow water flow like in denitrifiers. no mention of how much flow to push through it. so was wandering if I should push a drip in it or just a few gallons every hour...