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DI Question

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Do you guys discard a DI cartridge at a reading of 1 or just keep it till it goes higher?
I remember reading about DI releasing ammonia (something about binding power) first when exhausted, Any truth to that?
If that's true then one shouldn't even have two inline as after the first is exhausted it'll just saturate the following one with ammonia?
Thanks for your help.

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Updated 03-06-2011 at 09:58 PM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. Midnight's Avatar
    When the Di is no longer lowering the red from the to it is time to replace it
  2. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    I change mine when it gets to 2. Not sure about the ammonia theory, I may be wrong but as long as you have sufficient biological filtration why worry about ammonia? fish waste produce ammonia and that's why we allow time to build up these bacteria's to break ammonia down.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Why would ammonia appear in DI water? It would have to be in the source water in the first place. If too much is present, it will pass right through the entire RO system and be measurable in the output.

    When the TDS gets between 4 and 7, that's when I change the DI. I don't need it to be 0 or 1 all the time; it can creep up a little, but I definitely keep an eye on it from that point forward.