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1 and 1/2 Old Tank - March 2011

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I started this tank in January of this year. My live rock was purchased from a friend who lives 5 minutes up the road... the rock was only out of the tank long enough to be moved to a bucket at his house, and then into the tank at mine. I even started my tank with his water... so no acclimating or anything. Worked very well. The only "cycling" I went through would be the same as if you cleaned your tank really really well and stirred up all of your sand and such. There was a red monti cap in there the entire time and it did great. So I tried a montipora digitata and it did great as well. I would never recommend adding SPS to a tank this quickly... but it worked for me!

Here's the picture roll. All taken yesterday except the Dendro, I took it this morning. The zoas, the acan and the meteor shower just came in today. So they are not all the way opened up and will still be getting used to the new lighting and all for a bit. Obviously most of these are frags... so be patient with me. It will be amazing soon.

Maxima Clam. He's usually not opened up like this. I moved him today (he still does not seem interested in attaching).

Yellow Zoas with Red Skirts - This was a freebie that Mike threw in.

Pink Birdsnest

Green Slimer

Meteor Shower

Montipora Digitata

Sour Apple Birdsnest

War Coral

LE Goblin Fire Zoas (Not opened all the way, they will have another ring of light purple inside of the skirts when they're open)

Candy Apples - Not open all the way and not colored up all the way


Toxic Favia

Ya' Mon' Reverse Rastas - Not opened fully but still look amazing! Camera can't pick it up.

Keds Reds Zoas - Look RIDICULOUS under blues but camera can't catch the color.

Freebie Zoas under Blue LEDs

Green Slimer under Blues

Duncan under Blues

War Coral under Blues

Full Tank Shot under Blues

Full Tank Shot


Saving the best for last...
This SICK Acan

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice selection of corals! Bet it looks awesome under blues in person. It's really going to rock when things grow out.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Looks like a very nice start with a bunch of good choices for corals.