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Coral ID Please

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I found this little guy about 2 months ago, withering away on the bottom of a piece of live rock I bought. Its skeletal structure was firmly attached to LR, so it was a hitch hiker.

It and LPS, and has a small mouth located in the center of its polyp. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Updated 03-22-2011 at 12:05 PM by melev

Tags: coral id
Questions - Need some input


  1. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Is it purple centered with green polyps? Kinda looks like a manjo to me, if so its a pest and needs to be removed.
  2. Heathd's Avatar
    It has a skeleton. I dont believe it is a mojano. The mouth has a light orange border/rim.
  3. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    possibly a withering away duncan? I would put it in an area of higher light and less flow and see how it expands. Then post more pictures.
  4. Heathd's Avatar
    Its actually grown substantially since I put it on its frag plug.
  5. Sam11909's Avatar
    It's a type of fungia coral

    Nice find it will get larger if especially if fed often. Mine has grown from smaller than a dime to the size of a quarter.
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    elegance or sun(tube) coral hard to tell with out seeing the base clear
  7. Heathd's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam11909
    It's a type of fungia coral

    Nice find it will get larger if especially if fed often. Mine has grown from smaller than a dime to the size of a quarter.
    Wow, and I thought this was going to be a challenge for someone, lol. That is exactly what it is, I really appreciate it.
  8. Sam11909's Avatar
    Your welcome, glad I could help!