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To reef... or not to reef?

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Hi All,
My name is Jim and I have been "assisting my yougest son (21 yrs) in converting his 75G freshwater to salt. Two months so far and WOW what a ride. I am absolutely hooked on the science and complexity of it all.

Now for the question... is it advisable to consider owning a reef if I plan to travel 3 or 4 weeks out of the year? I may be retiring at the end of next year and I plan to see some of this great country!

Any words of wisdom truly appreciated!

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Updated 03-27-2011 at 05:09 PM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. Midnight's Avatar
    3-4 consecutive weeks or separate? If you automate/simply your system well enough you can safely leave it for a week. however, without an auto top off and solid temps I would not advise it. the fish in an established aquarium will find nourishment within the system just feed them well before and after. I am able to leave my tank for a week at a time with no worries and no babysitter. you just have to keep it in mind during the design phase... also it can take up to a year to actually design and setup your system depending on the design and peripherals. and how much DIY equipment/furniture you incorporate into the system.
  2. melev's Avatar
    If you choose to travel, you need to have a plan of whom can watch your tank whilst you are away. Some fish stores will offer to check on your tank for a fee. Or maybe your son can help when you are away.
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    I would join a local club. From there you'll be able to find some trustworthy people who can watch your tank while you're away. You'll likely earn a good friend or two as well. :-)
  4. JimM's Avatar
    Thanks to all...
    I generally wouldnt travel more than a week at a time... so if it is possible to set it up right to accomodate that amount of time... then lean on my son or someone else to pick up the slack... I may just have to push the button! This absolutely is an intriguing hobby!
    8 weeks into my son's conversion and here's where we stand...
    75 G display tank
    35 G refugium (home made)
    2" sand bed in each, some cheato in the fuge
    110 pounds of live rock
    2 fish, 8-10 snails, 1 small crab, 1 leather coral (hitchhiker with some of the LR we bought from a guy breaking down his tank)
    What a ride!
  5. melev's Avatar
    Sounds like you are right on track. Now let that tank break in, and don't overload it with more livestock for a few weeks.