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Lots of news stories lately

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So here are the links, fellow addicts...

World’s 2nd deadliest poison, in an aquarium store near you

Pictures: Sharks Taught to Hunt Alien Lionfish

Atlantis Marine World Announce Expansion Plans

Why scallop-divers are the ocean’s shepherds

Harvesting Hawaii’s Aquarium Fish

Tens of thousands of bristle worms invade Florida beach in 'mating frenzy'

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Updated 04-05-2011 at 08:55 PM by melev

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  1. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Wow...I knew zoas were potent, but not that potent. I know some guys that developed something like an alergy to them, and could not hold them without gloves.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Just added one more. What a crazy news day.
  3. Reefski's Avatar
    when i handle one of my rocks with Zoanthids on it even without consciously touching the zoanthids within a day or two the skin peels off my fingers. this happens every time.

    AMW expansion, wow! the best reef tank in the world and now they are getting even better. way to go Joe.