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New coral frags added to my reef

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The new frags have been treated with Interceptor for more than 12 hours, then dipped in a ReVive solution for 10 minutes prior to being added to my tank. I don't want to introduce any pests.

Blue Acropora sp (from Wes)

Candy Cany (from Dennis) and a Hawaiian Featherduster from Frank's Tanks, hiding at the moment.

This Chalice was donated to my reef by Keith and his wife, and at some point in the future he wants a frag back. Banking corals with others is the best way to have something later.

Chili Pepper montipora from Anton

Deepwater acropora sp from Keith & his wife, Turaki Acropora from Anton to the right

Unknown Acropora sp from the raffle - bleached but polyped out

Pearlberry Acropora from Anton and Aqua Delight to the right.

Red Planet Acropora from Frank

Sunset Monti from Anton

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  1. dahenley's Avatar
  2. agsansoo's Avatar
    How long did you QT those frags ?
  3. melev's Avatar
    Read the first sentence.
  4. evoracer's Avatar

    Nice frags Marc!
  5. melev's Avatar
    In the past month, I've probably added 40 frags to the tank. It's getting tough keeping track of them all. This weekend, I hope to start puttying down some in better permanent spots.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    WOW, some beautiful corals! Nice selection Marc.
  7. byrdman's Avatar
    Nice pick up
  8. ray356's Avatar
    Any significance to your avatar being upside down - I like the bubbles going down. Your other avatar is upside down also. I am sure there is a reason. Nice frags
  9. melev's Avatar
    I need to find out actually. I thought it was a April Fools prank, but it's well past that now.