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Which Tests?

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Hi All,
Relatively new tank... and now we want to start with some good habits. Currently testing for O2, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, salinity, and PH. Which ones should be done and with what frequency?

Also, we have only janitors and two fish thus far. However, we found a small leather coral (we think) and want to know what we should begin to feed this... and how for that matter?

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  1. Mits's Avatar
    Have you read Marc's post on the front page? I'd suggest that as a good start. You really don't have to feed your leather. The light will take care of that.
  2. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Personally, I'd skip the O2 test. Add Ca, Mag, Alk at the least.

    +1 on Marc's article and test kit mfg recommendations.