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More New Pics!

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Alrighty... so tonight all the frags were in for good, the mini-maxi was fully spread out, the torch was extended so I setup the tripod and took the pictures for real. Sorry for such similar pics, I just need to be more patient and not take pics the day of free hand... just wait and do it right the first time next time. lol. Here they come...

Mini-Maxi Anemone

Derasa Clam - I really need to get a top-down camera rig for these clams...

Open Brain - Still can't wait for this guy to be up front when he's acclimated!

Group Shot - Mini Maxi, Tri-Color Ricordia, Derasa Clam and others


Torch Coral - I need to get a shot of this guy at feeding time for you guys. I think it would extend more in lower flow, but it's in the lowest flow area of my tank that I've got. Got any ideas for lowering the flow right under the primary return that causes my gyre?

Group Shot - Focus on Maxima Clam

Group Shot - Focus on Lord of the Rings Zoas

Group Shot - Focus on Sour Apple Birdsnest

Group Shot - Focus on GARF Bonsai Acro

Macro Shot - Green Slimer

Macro Shot - Pink Birdsnest

Under Blue LEDs - Mini-Maxi Anemone

Under Blue LEDs - Derasa Clam

Under Blue LEDs - Open Brain Coral

Under Blue LEDs - Duncan

Under Blue LEDs - LE Goblin Fire Zoas

Under Blue LEDs - Candy Apple Red Zoas

Under Blue LEDs - Torch Coral

Under Blue LEDs - Lord of the Rings Zoas

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful corals Matt! I love the shot of the green slimer, nice!
    Updated 04-11-2011 at 03:22 PM by Hat39406
  2. melev's Avatar
    Lots of nice pictures, Matt. In picture #4, your camera focused on the rock in the center of the shot. Aim your camera and the corals you are shooting in a group shot, press the shutter halfway to auto-focus on these, then pivot the camera up to frame the shot and take the picture.

    I don't know what to tell you to do about the Torch. If it is in the lowest flow area, you can't do much more other than turn off the pumps.
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks for the reminder on that. I was looking at it earlier and thinking to myself... what was I focusing on in this pic? I was wishing it were focused on the clam/anemone depth. I'm almost always on manual focus but I switch over to auto after awhile because it hurts the back of my eyes to try to focus that hard. lol. Since it is focused dead center I'm going to assume this was auto-focus and I just wasn't careful. Now that all my corals are in my newer pics should be more mid/long range photos showing the whole tank and how things are growing in. I just can't help but shoot almost all macros on these new things though. :-)
  4. MonKei's Avatar
    Very pretty lookin' corals, looking forward to seeing them all growing out!
  5. matt_longview's Avatar
    Thanks Hat & Monkei. I'm excited about seeing it all grow out as well. :-) I love the macroshots too Hat. That green slimer is an easy coral to take pictures of. Can't wait till the pink mille, bonsai acro and reverse sunset get going... they'll produce some stunning macro shots as well!