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Psuedochromis Elongatus Likes to eat Red & Gold Coco Worms

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Just in case you didn't know my Psuedo Elongatus loves to go into the tube of my red and gold coco worm and rip its feathers off its head. It's done this dastardly deed twice today so I've put the victim in the fuge for the time being. I kinda want to get the little punk out of my reef. I've seen him nip at overturned snails too.

But...he's just so darn pretty...

On a side note, my lobo fell over on to my favorite orange yuma and nuked it as well as a good portion of one of the lobo heads.

And does anyone know what color spectrum will make reds/oranges more vivid in my tank? Things are feeling quite brown right now and I know I have some bright corals.

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  1. Heathd's Avatar
    I understand the fiji purples really help show of the reds in corals. I dont know what the exact spectrum is though, wish I could be more help there.

    And I see your predicament. The psuedo is a good looking fsih, but I also love the ornate feathers of coco worms. Im sure your coco will recover, just sucks you cant keep him front and center in the display.