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Lost the Copper Banded Butterfly :(

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He went through the Eshhops overflow and perished... should we have provided a cover on the overflow?

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Plumbing , ‎ Questions - Need some input


  1. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Probably dead before he went into the overflow. How long have you had him?
  2. JimM's Avatar
    He was small and only picked him up 5-6 days ago. I hope you are correct that he was already dead before entering the overflow. One thing is for sure... it wont happen again! Yesterday we fabbed up an eggcrate cover!
  3. Blown76mav's Avatar
    First off I want to make clear, I'm not trying to bust your balls. Just hoping to inform not only you but others on this sad practice they use to collect CBB's

    Its not the overflows fault, its the way they collect CBB's. If a fish is in good health they can easily swim away from any current the overflow may produce. I highly suggest if you really want a CBB you find someone who is getting out of the hobby and has had it for at least 6 months. CBB's can die mysteriously up to six months or so due to the cyanide they use to collect them. Its shuts down they digestive system, then on top of that they are starved before shipping so they don't pollute the shipping water with ammonia .By buying another your just supporting the wrong way of collection and contributing to the ever decreasing fish population. If they aren't eating frozen food at the LFS, then don't buy one, but even then thats not an guarantee it will live. I bought two from a guy who swore he had them 6 months or longer, one died only after two days in quarantine. Its now been two years and the other is still going strong.
  4. JimM's Avatar
    Thanks very much for your insights... sincerely! I am as new to this hobby as can be considered and I very much need to learn of these conservation/preservation principles; we truly do aspire to act responsibly.
    Kudos to you!