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Live aquaria for purchasing fish...

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Has anyone here ordered any fish direct from live aquaria? I am thinking aout doing so be cause of pure lazyiness... When ordering the fish should i order all at one time? Is it good to put all the fish into a new tank all at once? here is what i am going to possibly order.

2 true percs
4 chromis
1 yellow tang
1 blue hippo
2 diamond gobies
1 blond naso tang
1 flame angel
2 yellow clown gobies
1 sailfin tang
1 green mandarian
2 cleaner shrimps
2 sand sifting starfish
1 orange starfish
1 blue starfish

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  1. jlemoine2's Avatar
    LiveAquaria is great... they provide fast service and their lovestock is generally in good condition.

    I'm not sure of what size tank you have, or if you are done cycling (you must complete your initial cycle). Generally speaking, you DO NOT add all of those fish to a tank at once. All of the starfish and the mandarin will require a mature tank in order to live for any length of time. The tangs would benefit from a mature tank as well.

    Start with a couple of the least agressive fish and add another one or two every couple of weeks... but again, this will depend greatly on the size of your tank.

    It also is a good idea to have a quarantine period of some sort before adding fish to your aquarium, even if the fish are from LiveAquaria.

    Other thoughts?
  2. Djm's Avatar
    My tank is a 220 gal. it has clycled for over 3 months. I am holding off on the Starfish and the mandarin. When you bought your fish from Live Aquaria, the description on the fish... Small and Medium? how small and how medium are they talking?
  3. Nitro's Avatar
    Approximate Purchase Size: Tiny: 1/2" to 3/4"; Small: 1" to 2"; Small/Medium: 2" to 3"; Medium 3" to 4"; Medium/Large 4" to 5"; Large: 5" to 6"

    If you scroll to the bottom of the overview you will find the sizes. These are for the blue tang. I've ordered from them for years and there is never a problem. If you recieve something that died or something dies within the 14 days just call coustomer service and they will give you a credit for that amount. Just be sure that you keep yaur order number. The next time you order call them and place the order and tell them that you have a credit.
    Updated 04-18-2011 at 02:54 PM by Nitro