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A few recent pictures

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Mimic filefish, aka Dyson

Dyson mimicing Spock

Helfrichi firefish, the last of three

Strombus Grazer in the refugium

Raffle prize at the recent DFWMAS frag swap, possibly a very hairy A. tenuis

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  1. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Great photos, especially the one hanging on the wall as a backdrop behind Dyson and Spock.
  2. Reefski's Avatar
    love the filefish. how big do they get?
  3. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jlemoine2
    Great photos, especially the one hanging on the wall as a backdrop behind Dyson and Spock.
    That's the rare Reversus Floatationus from the Marshall Islands and FLorida Keys.

    So glas Spock made it through to the new tank.
  4. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Reefski
    love the filefish. how big do they get?
    3-4" max...won't get much bigger than that