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Tunze Master DOC Skimmer

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Has anyone use the Tunze Master DOC Skimmer I'm in need of upgrading my skimmer and was thinking of the Tunze Master DOC Skimmer 9410.000 any thoughts?

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  1. partman1969's Avatar
    I would have to say the results provided to me by my Reef Nano-pack 200 were so unexpectedly good, that I'm sure you will get great results. Cleaning skimmers by Tunze can be a chore (be advised) but waste removal is fantastic. Check the Tunze website for a product catalog which gives you product instruction pdfs and videos.
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I have not use one presonally but have read good things about them
  3. cfsindorf's Avatar
    Did you go this rout and how do you like it if you did?