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after about an hour....

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Finally got all my ordered parts in the mail today and went straight to the hardware store to pick up all the pvc and tubing I would need for my closed loop system and after about an hour of installation got it all installed and now I wish my tank was in wall cause this is a pain to get behind my tank and back out for maintenance. so now I am running a mag 1200 in a closed loop with a scwd and so far so good, getting great flow compared to before (i had to cover my korelia 4's so my anemone didn't get turned into a slushie) and even better is that it's random flow. I will try and post pictures later tonight but I have a wedding to attend so no guarantees that I will be sober enough to remember

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I only have one thing to say...

  2. cyano's Avatar
    lol, I am recovering from the wedding reception this morning and will try and take some before I go to work